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Welcome to Tasty Sichuan Restaurant

The best Chinese Szechuan food in Houston, TX

Our Story

Our Story

Tasty Sichuan Restaurant offers authentic and delicious tasting Chinese cuisine in Houston, TX. Tasty Sichuan's convenient location and affordable prices make our restaurant a natural choice for eat-in or take-out meals in the Houston community. Our restaurant is known for its variety in taste and high quality fresh ingredients. Come and experience our friendly atmosphere and excellent service.


夫妻肺片 Sweet & Sour & Spicy Beef Shank & Tripe & Tongue Slices $13.99
蒜泥白肉 Sliced Pork Belly with Garlic Sauce $12.99
口水鸡 Mouth Watering Chicken $12.99
椒麻鸡 Chicken with Sichuan Pepper & Scallion Sauce $12.99
葱油鸡 Chicken with Scallion Oil Sauce $12.99
双椒麻油鸭 Twin Pepper Duck in Sichuan Pepper Sauce $13.99
豉椒牛舌 Beef Tongue in Chili Black Sauce $15.99
红油肚丝 Sliced Pork Tripe in Chili Sauce $12.99
椒麻肚丝 Pork Tripe with Sichuan Pepper & Scallion Sauce $12.99
红油水饺 (6 个) Pork, Napa Cabbage, Mushroom Dumplings in Chili Sauce (6pcs) $7.99
肉锅贴 (6 个) Pork, Napa Cabbage, Mushroom Potstickers (6pcs) $7.99
伤心凉粉 Heartbreaking Mung Bean Jelly $8.99
蒜泥黄瓜 Cucumber Salad with Garlic Sauce $8.99
长沙臭豆腐 Changsha Stinky Tofu $12.99
老妈蹄花汤 Chengdu Pork Feet Soup $17.99
简阳羊肉汤 Jian Yang Lamb Soup $18.99
莲藕排骨汤 Lotus Root & Spare Pork Rib Soup $17.99
海鲜酸辣汤 Hot & Sour Seafood Soup $14.99
西湖牛肉羹 West Lake Beef Soup $12.99
蔬菜豆腐汤 Vegetable Tofu Soup $10.99
扬州炒饭 Yangzhou Style Fried Rice $13.99
芽菜肉末炒饭 Ground Pork & Bean Sprouts Fried Rice $13.99
蛋炒饭 Egg Fried Rice $11.99
牛肉炒面 Beef Fried Noodles $12.99
川香炒面 Sichuan Style Fried Noodles $13.99
蔬菜炒面 Vegetable Fried Noodles $10.99
担担面 Dan Dan Noodles $9.99
成都凉面 Chengdu Sour & Spicy Cold Noodles $8.99
芝麻凉面 Sesame Cold Noodle $8.99
牛肉面汤 Beef Noodles Soup $14.99
酸菜肉丝 Sichuan Sauerkraut & Shredded Pork Noodle Soup $12.99
榨菜肉丝 Shredded Pork and Pickled Vegetable Noodle Soup $12.99
酸辣肥肠 Hot & Sour Pork Intestine Noodle Soup $14.99
番茄鸡蛋 $11.99
牛肉米粉 Beef Rice Noodle $14.99
酸菜肉丝米粉 Sichuan Sauerkraut & Shredded Pork Rice Noodle $12.99
肉丝酸菜米粉 Shredded Pork & Pickled Vegetable Rice Noodle $12.99
酸辣猪肠米粉 Hot & Sour Pork Intestine Rice Noodle $14.99
川香辣子鸡 Sichuan Spicy Crispy Chicken $17.99
芋儿烧鸡 Taro Duck Stew $18.99
青笋烧鸡 Chicken with Asparagus Lettuce $18.99
宫爆鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken $16.99
双椒鸡 Twin Pepper Chicken $16.99
酸辣炝炒鸡 Hot & Sour Chicken $16.99
葱香大排 Marinated Pork Rib with Scallion $22.99
土豆烧排骨 Stewed Pork Rib with Potato $18.99
椒盐排骨 Salt & Pepper Pork Rib $17.99
东坡 肘子 Original Pork Shoulder $26.99
鱼香 肘子 Spicy Garlic Sauce Pork Shoulder $26.99
姜汁 肘子 Ginger Sauce Pork Shoulder $26.99
辣 肘子 Spicy Pork Shoulder $26.99
干煸 肥肠 Dry-Fried Pork Intestine $18.99
尖椒 肥肠 Green Chili Pepper Pork Intestine $18.99
香辣肥肠 Crispy Spicy Pork Intestine $18.99
火爆 腰花 Spicy Stir-Fried Pork Kidney $17.99
泡椒 腰花 Pickled Pepper Pork Kidney $17.99
/葱油腰花 Scallion Sauce Pork Kidney $17.99
香辣猪手 Spicy Pork Feet $17.99
青笋烧猪肚 Pork Tripe with Asparagus Lettuce $17.99
回锅肉 Twice Cooked Pork Belly $15.99
金汤肥牛 Beef Slices in Golden Soup $21.99
孜香肥牛 Cumin Beef Slices $21.99
葱香肥牛 Scallion Beef Slices $21.99
火爆千层肚 Spicy Stir-Fried Beef Tripe $18.99
川西千层肚 Sichuan Style Beef Tripe $18.99
野山椒炒牛肉 Stir-Fried Beef with Pickled Pepper $18.99
孜然牛肉 Crispy Cumin Beef $17.99
干煸牛肉丝 Dry-Fried Shredded Beef $16.99
椒香牛筋 Stir-Fried Beef Tendon $18.99
红煨牛筋 Stewed Beef Tendon $18.99
孜然羊肉 Crispy Cumin Lamb $18.99
葱爆羊肉 Stir-Fried Lamb with Scallion $18.99
香辣蟹 Spicy Crab $78.99
姜葱蟹 Ginger & Scallion Crab $78.99
咸蛋黄焗蟹 Salty Egg Yolk Crab $78.99
香辣龙虾 Spicy Lobster $78.99
姜葱龙虾 Ginger & Scallion Lobster $78.99
咸蛋黄焗龙虾 Salty Egg Yolk Lobster $78.99
大蒜烧甲鱼 Spicy Garlic Turtle $78.99
红烧甲鱼 Turtle in Brown Sauce $78.99
香辣烤鱼 Spicy Grilled Whole Fish $35.99
泡椒烤鱼 Pickled Pepper Grilled Whole Fish $35.99
豆瓣全鱼 Chili Bean Sauce Whole Fish $29.99
干烧全鱼 Spicy Roasted Whole Fish $29.99
青花椒全鱼 Sichuan Pepper Whole Fish $29.99
清蒸全鱼 Steamed Whole Fish $29.99
糖醋脆皮鱼 Crispy Sweet & Sour Whole Fish $29.99
香辣鱼片 Crispy Spicy Fish Fillet $18.99
清炒 豆苗 Sauteed Pea Sprout $15.99
蒜蓉 豆苗 Garlic Pea Sprout $15.99
上汤豆苗 Savory Broth Pea Sprout $15.99
清炒 空心菜 Sauteed Water Spinach $15.99
蒜蓉 空心菜 Garlic Water Spinach $15.99
上汤菠菜 Savory Broth Water Spinach $15.99
上汤白菜 Braised Napa Cabbage in Savory Broth $12.99
醋溜白菜 Stir-Fried Napa Cabbage $12.99
酸土豆丝 Sour Shredded Potato $12.99
酸辣 土豆丝 Sour & Spicy Shredded Potato $12.99
小椒 土豆丝 Green Chili Pepper Shredded Potato $12.99
狼牙土豆 Wolf Teeth Potato $13.99
干煸四季豆 Dry-Fried Green Beans $13.99
木耳炒山药 Sauteed Chinese Yam with Wood Ear $13.99
虎皮尖椒 Pan-Seared Green Chili Pepper $12.99
粉丝包菜 Glass Noodle with Cabbage $12.99
四川芽菜扣肉 (咸烧白) Sichuan Style Braised Pork Belly $17.99
猪肉夹沙糯米饭 (甜烧白) Pork Belly & Red Bean Paste Glutinous Rice $17.99
四川粉蒸牛肉 Sichuan Style Steamed Beef $17.99
糯香排骨 Pork Ribs in Glutinous Rice $17.99
毛血旺 Country Style Beef, Pork Blood Mix Pot $23.99
鲜椒沸腾鱼片 Fish Fillet with Chili Pepper Pot $18.99
酸菜鱼 Sichuan Sauerkraut Fish Fillet $18.99
水煮牛肉 Spicy Boiled Beef $18.99
水煮肉片 Spicy Boiled Pork $18.99
水煮鱼片 Spicy Boiled Fish Fillet $18.99
豆花牛肉 Beef with Tofu Pudding $18.99
豆花鱼片 Fish Fillet with Tofu Pudding $18.99
豆花肥肠 Pork Intestine with Tofu Pudding $18.99
铁板羊肉 Sizzling Lamb $18.99
铁板牛舌 Sizzling Beef Tongue $18.99
铁板牛肉 Sizzling Beef $17.99
铁板鱿鱼 Sizzling Squid $17.99
铁板腰花 Sizzling Pork Kidney $16.99
铁板茄夹 Sizzling Eggplant with Ground Pork $15.99
铁板豆腐 Sizzling Tofu $14.99
干锅牛肉 Beef Dry Pot $18.99
干锅羊肉 Lamb Dry Pot $19.99
干锅鸡 Chicken Dry Pot $16.99
干锅肥肠 Pork Intestine Dry Pot $18.99
干锅牛筋 Beef Tendon Dry Pot $19.99
干锅活牛蛙 Live Bullfrog Dry Pot $28.99
干锅腊肉花菜 Cauliflower & Chinese Bacon Dry Pot $18.99
干锅蔬菜 Vegetable Dry Pot $16.99
川式卤味拼盘 Marinated Dish Combo $17.99
肥肠 Marinated Pig Intestines $13.99
猪头肉 原味 Marinated Pig Head Original $13.99
猪头肉 凉拌 Marinated Pig Head Garlic Sauce $13.99
猪头肉 回锅 Marinated Pig Head Twice Cooked $13.99
猪耳 Marinated Pig Ear $11.99
猪手 Marinated Pork Feet $11.99
鸡爪 Marinated Chicken Feet (6) $10.99
鸭翅 Marinated Duck Wings (6) $12.99
鸭爪 Marinated Duck Feet (6) $10.99
鸭头 个 Marinated Duck Head (1pc) $3.50
手工红糖糍粑 (6 个) Homemade Brown Sugar Sticky Rice Cake (6pcs) $8.99
贵妃醉豆花 Glutinous Tofu Iced Soup $3.99
碧玉绿豆汤 Mung Bean Iced Soup $3.99
夫妻肺片 Sweet & Sour & Spicy Beef Shank & Tripe & Tongue Slices $13.99
蒜泥白肉 Sliced Pork Belly with Garlic Sauce $12.99
口水鸡 Mouth Watering Chicken $12.99
椒麻鸡 Chicken with Sichuan Pepper & Scallion Sauce $12.99
葱油鸡 Chicken with Scallion Oil Sauce $12.99
双椒麻油鸭 Twin Pepper Duck in Sichuan Pepper Sauce $13.99
豉椒牛舌 Beef Tongue in Chili Black Sauce $15.99
红油肚丝 Sliced Pork Tripe in Chili Sauce $12.99
椒麻肚丝 Pork Tripe with Sichuan Pepper & Scallion Sauce $12.99
红油水饺 (6 个) Pork, Napa Cabbage, Mushroom Dumplings in Chili Sauce (6pcs) $7.99
肉锅贴 (6 个) Pork, Napa Cabbage, Mushroom Potstickers (6pcs) $7.99
伤心凉粉 Heartbreaking Mung Bean Jelly $8.99
蒜泥黄瓜 Cucumber Salad with Garlic Sauce $8.99
长沙臭豆腐 Changsha Stinky Tofu $12.99
老妈蹄花汤 Chengdu Pork Feet Soup $17.99
简阳羊肉汤 Jian Yang Lamb Soup $18.99
莲藕排骨汤 Lotus Root & Spare Pork Rib Soup $17.99
海鲜酸辣汤 Hot & Sour Seafood Soup $14.99
西湖牛肉羹 West Lake Beef Soup $12.99
蔬菜豆腐汤 Vegetable Tofu Soup $10.99
扬州炒饭 Yangzhou Style Fried Rice $13.99
芽菜肉末炒饭 Ground Pork & Bean Sprouts Fried Rice $13.99
蛋炒饭 Egg Fried Rice $11.99
牛肉炒面 Beef Fried Noodles $12.99
川香炒面 Sichuan Style Fried Noodles $13.99
蔬菜炒面 Vegetable Fried Noodles $10.99
担担面 Dan Dan Noodles $9.99
成都凉面 Chengdu Sour & Spicy Cold Noodles $8.99
芝麻凉面 Sesame Cold Noodle $8.99
牛肉面汤 Beef Noodles Soup $14.99
酸菜肉丝 Sichuan Sauerkraut & Shredded Pork Noodle Soup $12.99
榨菜肉丝 Shredded Pork and Pickled Vegetable Noodle Soup $12.99
酸辣肥肠 Hot & Sour Pork Intestine Noodle Soup $14.99
番茄鸡蛋 $11.99
牛肉米粉 Beef Rice Noodle $14.99
酸菜肉丝米粉 Sichuan Sauerkraut & Shredded Pork Rice Noodle $12.99
肉丝酸菜米粉 Shredded Pork & Pickled Vegetable Rice Noodle $12.99
酸辣猪肠米粉 Hot & Sour Pork Intestine Rice Noodle $14.99
川香辣子鸡 Sichuan Spicy Crispy Chicken $17.99
芋儿烧鸡 Taro Duck Stew $18.99
青笋烧鸡 Chicken with Asparagus Lettuce $18.99
宫爆鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken $16.99
双椒鸡 Twin Pepper Chicken $16.99
酸辣炝炒鸡 Hot & Sour Chicken $16.99
葱香大排 Marinated Pork Rib with Scallion $22.99
土豆烧排骨 Stewed Pork Rib with Potato $18.99
椒盐排骨 Salt & Pepper Pork Rib $17.99
东坡 肘子 Original Pork Shoulder $26.99
鱼香 肘子 Spicy Garlic Sauce Pork Shoulder $26.99
姜汁 肘子 Ginger Sauce Pork Shoulder $26.99
辣 肘子 Spicy Pork Shoulder $26.99
干煸 肥肠 Dry-Fried Pork Intestine $18.99
尖椒 肥肠 Green Chili Pepper Pork Intestine $18.99
香辣肥肠 Crispy Spicy Pork Intestine $18.99
火爆 腰花 Spicy Stir-Fried Pork Kidney $17.99
泡椒 腰花 Pickled Pepper Pork Kidney $17.99
/葱油腰花 Scallion Sauce Pork Kidney $17.99
香辣猪手 Spicy Pork Feet $17.99
青笋烧猪肚 Pork Tripe with Asparagus Lettuce $17.99
回锅肉 Twice Cooked Pork Belly $15.99
金汤肥牛 Beef Slices in Golden Soup $21.99
孜香肥牛 Cumin Beef Slices $21.99
葱香肥牛 Scallion Beef Slices $21.99
火爆千层肚 Spicy Stir-Fried Beef Tripe $18.99
川西千层肚 Sichuan Style Beef Tripe $18.99
野山椒炒牛肉 Stir-Fried Beef with Pickled Pepper $18.99
孜然牛肉 Crispy Cumin Beef $17.99
干煸牛肉丝 Dry-Fried Shredded Beef $16.99
椒香牛筋 Stir-Fried Beef Tendon $18.99
红煨牛筋 Stewed Beef Tendon $18.99
孜然羊肉 Crispy Cumin Lamb $18.99
葱爆羊肉 Stir-Fried Lamb with Scallion $18.99
香辣蟹 Spicy Crab $78.99
姜葱蟹 Ginger & Scallion Crab $78.99
咸蛋黄焗蟹 Salty Egg Yolk Crab $78.99
香辣龙虾 Spicy Lobster $78.99
姜葱龙虾 Ginger & Scallion Lobster $78.99
咸蛋黄焗龙虾 Salty Egg Yolk Lobster $78.99
大蒜烧甲鱼 Spicy Garlic Turtle $78.99
红烧甲鱼 Turtle in Brown Sauce $78.99
香辣烤鱼 Spicy Grilled Whole Fish $35.99
泡椒烤鱼 Pickled Pepper Grilled Whole Fish $35.99
豆瓣全鱼 Chili Bean Sauce Whole Fish $29.99
干烧全鱼 Spicy Roasted Whole Fish $29.99
青花椒全鱼 Sichuan Pepper Whole Fish $29.99
清蒸全鱼 Steamed Whole Fish $29.99
糖醋脆皮鱼 Crispy Sweet & Sour Whole Fish $29.99
香辣鱼片 Crispy Spicy Fish Fillet $18.99
清炒 豆苗 Sauteed Pea Sprout $15.99
蒜蓉 豆苗 Garlic Pea Sprout $15.99
上汤豆苗 Savory Broth Pea Sprout $15.99
清炒 空心菜 Sauteed Water Spinach $15.99
蒜蓉 空心菜 Garlic Water Spinach $15.99
上汤菠菜 Savory Broth Water Spinach $15.99
上汤白菜 Braised Napa Cabbage in Savory Broth $12.99
醋溜白菜 Stir-Fried Napa Cabbage $12.99
酸土豆丝 Sour Shredded Potato $12.99
酸辣 土豆丝 Sour & Spicy Shredded Potato $12.99
小椒 土豆丝 Green Chili Pepper Shredded Potato $12.99
狼牙土豆 Wolf Teeth Potato $13.99
干煸四季豆 Dry-Fried Green Beans $13.99
木耳炒山药 Sauteed Chinese Yam with Wood Ear $13.99
虎皮尖椒 Pan-Seared Green Chili Pepper $12.99
粉丝包菜 Glass Noodle with Cabbage $12.99
四川芽菜扣肉 (咸烧白) Sichuan Style Braised Pork Belly $17.99
猪肉夹沙糯米饭 (甜烧白) Pork Belly & Red Bean Paste Glutinous Rice $17.99
四川粉蒸牛肉 Sichuan Style Steamed Beef $17.99
糯香排骨 Pork Ribs in Glutinous Rice $17.99
毛血旺 Country Style Beef, Pork Blood Mix Pot $23.99
鲜椒沸腾鱼片 Fish Fillet with Chili Pepper Pot $18.99
酸菜鱼 Sichuan Sauerkraut Fish Fillet $18.99
水煮牛肉 Spicy Boiled Beef $18.99
水煮肉片 Spicy Boiled Pork $18.99
水煮鱼片 Spicy Boiled Fish Fillet $18.99
豆花牛肉 Beef with Tofu Pudding $18.99
豆花鱼片 Fish Fillet with Tofu Pudding $18.99
豆花肥肠 Pork Intestine with Tofu Pudding $18.99
铁板羊肉 Sizzling Lamb $18.99
铁板牛舌 Sizzling Beef Tongue $18.99
铁板牛肉 Sizzling Beef $17.99
铁板鱿鱼 Sizzling Squid $17.99
铁板腰花 Sizzling Pork Kidney $16.99
铁板茄夹 Sizzling Eggplant with Ground Pork $15.99
铁板豆腐 Sizzling Tofu $14.99
干锅牛肉 Beef Dry Pot $18.99
干锅羊肉 Lamb Dry Pot $19.99
干锅鸡 Chicken Dry Pot $16.99
干锅肥肠 Pork Intestine Dry Pot $18.99
干锅牛筋 Beef Tendon Dry Pot $19.99
干锅活牛蛙 Live Bullfrog Dry Pot $28.99
干锅腊肉花菜 Cauliflower & Chinese Bacon Dry Pot $18.99
干锅蔬菜 Vegetable Dry Pot $16.99
川式卤味拼盘 Marinated Dish Combo $17.99
肥肠 Marinated Pig Intestines $13.99
猪头肉 原味 Marinated Pig Head Original $13.99
猪头肉 凉拌 Marinated Pig Head Garlic Sauce $13.99
猪头肉 回锅 Marinated Pig Head Twice Cooked $13.99
猪耳 Marinated Pig Ear $11.99
猪手 Marinated Pork Feet $11.99
鸡爪 Marinated Chicken Feet (6) $10.99
鸭翅 Marinated Duck Wings (6) $12.99
鸭爪 Marinated Duck Feet (6) $10.99
鸭头 个 Marinated Duck Head (1pc) $3.50
手工红糖糍粑 (6 个) Homemade Brown Sugar Sticky Rice Cake (6pcs) $8.99
贵妃醉豆花 Glutinous Tofu Iced Soup $3.99
碧玉绿豆汤 Mung Bean Iced Soup $3.99


Their service is very good, and they will patiently introduce their dishes to you. I ordered stinky tofu. Beef and rice noodles are delicious. I will give them 10/10 if I can.
Lala Tsui
Very delicious food! I had the stinky tofu and it was AMAZING! 1000000% recommend this place and the staff treated me very well. I will totally come back when I have the chance.
Jacob Ngyun
They even have bacon from Xiangxi and pig blood meatballs from Shaoyang, all of which are very authentic. If you are from Hunan, you will know it is authentic Hunan cuisine.
Baz Z.
I ordered a few dishes last week, and they tasted good. The fish head was especially delicious without any strange smell. I highly recommend Tasty Szechuan to all. Very good food.
Shirley Z.
I got the stinky tofu and it hit the spot. I really liked the beef skewers as well!! Some of the best in Houston. The owner and his wife were friendly as well. I'll definitely be back!!
Katherine C.
We enjoyed the whole meal and wanted to come back to try their other dishes. We recommend this spot, especially for adventurous diners and those who enjoy spiciness.
Michael S.